Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Interviews! ..oh, and cancer.

I'm getting a mamogram on Friday to be sure, but the doctor is almost certain that the lump-like object in my breast is NOT cancer. Always good to hear. She said it was probably this other thing that some women get as part of their cycle, starting around the age of 20. So now I have to cut back the caffine and find a good source of vitamin E. There, now you know. (:

I had an interview today. I prepared for it the night before thinking up answers to difficult questions with the help of Kelley. So I went to the interview all prepared and the lady barely asked me ANYTHING. She seemed excited that I didn't already have a job. She explained that there was the chance that the job might not last long, so she didn't want anybody quitting a different job just to be laidoff of this one. Se was impressed with my psych degree because "psychology is hard" I got to tell her that my roommates don't party all the time and actually really enjoy board games. But I had to work to get a word in edgewise. She spent the whole time explaining the job, explaining how easy it would be to transfer to another state job after having this one, what all is involved in the hiring process, I would get insurance, but I wouldn't get retirement. If it became permanent I could buy that spent time of retirement. I'm hesitant to say it, but I think she decided to hire me within the first five minutes of the interview. She still has people to interview, so that could change. I'm sending a thank-you note for backup.

I got a call for another interview after I got home from that one today. It's in Shreveport, as is the job, but it pays well, and the interview won't be until after I know for sure whether or not I got this other job. I'm suddenly very popular. It's nice.


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you get the job, and I'm glad that the lump probably isn't cancer. Is it a cyst or something? I've heard of those showing up durring hormone flucuations.

And I am so freaking excited about the ultrasound. I can't wait till Monday!

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah. The lady at Bolton High had me CONVINCED that I was getting hired. Sometimes interview people are nasty that way.


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