Friday, July 08, 2005

Grumble Grumble

I hate cramping.

Cramping makes me angry. It doesn't make me angry with God, but it gives me a better understanding of him I think. God is not a man that would just be silly, God doesn't have any use for gender. He is just as much woman as he is man. I say "he" only for convienience. But I really must assert that God is NOT a woman. No woman God would make the possibility of someday producing offspring such a pain in the uterus! I'm sure there is a good reason for all childbearing women to be the martyrs of the species, but I'll be damned if I know what it is!

My reproductive instincts are getting steadily more severe. There is definately a small part of me that feels a little cheated that I'm not pregnant right now. There was very mild concern that I might be, and I am glad that I'm not. Having kids right now would be foolish of us. But if I were, then at least this annoying pain and this foul mood would be accomplishing something! It makes me want to break things. So instead I take the pain and anger out on qwerty here.

If I were a dragon in a cave I woud be sitting and hoping that some fool knight would come in that I might get the chance to toast him.

Wait, there's the advil, I feel it now. It's a good feeling. I can feel the cramping wither away. It cowers in a corner now. It will come back later, but for now the pain is locked in a small box, huddled and motionless.


At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can truly sympathize with you. It's the worst when you have to work, or do things too. It's just best to hide away when you feel like that, at least for me anyways.

I'm feeling the need-to-be-mommy urges lately too. My friend just had her baby, and my old boss's wife is soon to have hers. All this talk of pregnancy, and I want mine.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toasting knights, hee hee hee

When you have a kid, I hope it has long eyelashes like yours.

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait, after you have kids the cramps might go away. Mine were always awful but after Sean was born I didn't ever take Advil anymore.
And thank you for your note dear (although it made me insainly curious). Your the only person that responded to that entry.



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