Thursday, May 19, 2005

A smalller greener van, that is not a van at all.

Okay, so I'm not going to tell the meaty part of the story because it is not mine to tell, and everybody loves to see Nathan tell exciting stories. Nathan and I went to South Carolina to help a friend move and visit some other friends. After some deliberation, Kent decided to be spontanious and come with us. We suprised all of our SC friends wit the presence of Kent and a good time was had by all (when Kent wasn't too busy being sick). It was so great to see Katie ad Andy and it was the first time in a long time that we had all really gotten a chance to get some good visiting time in with them. Oh, and Adam was pretty cool too. (:

At some point of the trip all the guys except for Kent went to this RPG event and the girls and Kent did other stuff. At some point I had a bread bowl with vegetable soup. It was good even if there wasn't meat. I just really live the whole bread bowl concept. Oh, and Sean was wearing this cute dragon flamey diaper that he could take off at any given moment. It was so cute.

Anyway, eventually Katie and I were at their house with the Forester, Kent was at the hotel with the van and the boys were RPGing with the Echo. I asked Nathan to go pick up the van so he could bring me back to the hotel. So on the way home, Andy was by himself in the Echo and Nathan and Adam were in the van. Then it started pouring. Come to think of it, the lightning did give the night an eerie feeling. Katie and I get a phone call and the caller ID says that it's Nathan and this makes me happy. So I happily answer the phone and Nathan tells me that he had a wreck. Oh shit. Is everyone okay? Yes. Is the van okay? No. So I start trying to get directions to the crash site, and Katie does the smart thing and asks to talk to Andy. So now people who actually know the area are giving and recieving directions. We pack Sean up and get in the car and slowly start our way to the boys in the dark rain. Katie couldn't stop talking and I couldn't speak more than five words. We were both trying so hard to be calm, but when we finally got there I definately was out of my seatbelt and opening the door before the car was stopped. I closed the door again and chastized myself while I waited for Katie to park. I found Nathan in the rain and my first thought was how much he hates standing in the rain. He didn't seem to notice it. I gave him a big celeratory hug and he apologized about the van. I told him I didn't care, and that's when I saw it. At first, it didn't look that bad, just upside down, but upon closer inspection, it was a lot shorter. Then we went to the place where it all started. When we looked at the creek they almost fell into I wanted to vomit. There was at least a 10 foot drop into shallow mud and I don't think things would have turned out so well. then we went back to the van to start pulling stuff out of it. I had a flaslight and was peering into the van ans I noticed that a tree trunk was on the side of the van opposite me. You couldn't really see it unless you looked through the side and back window. Then I noticed the other sliding door was behind the tree. Nathan was the one who pointed out that that tree trunk was about a foot and a half from where Adam's head was during the accident. That earned more hugs for everyone. So we started searching for things worth keeping and hauling them to the Echo trunk. (We never found my glasses.) When I as bringingan armfull of stuff to the Echo I notice something hanging slightly out of the trunk. It was a pendant of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I asked and it didn't belong to Katie or Andy and nobody knew how it got in their trunk. They said I could keep it.

Geez this is long.

So we went back to their house and Katie found dry clothes for Nathan and I and Adam had to hang around in a towel until his clothed dried and we spent the rest of the trip very thankful and trying sucessfully to continue having fun. Dad offered to come get us (24 hours round trip) and rent a uhaul for Adam's stuff, but I got a hold of my family in Birmingham to see if they could come get us. (Adam will find another weekennd to move down) They were sweet enough not only for Rick to come pick us up, but they also gave us a car. It's a little green Tercel with great gas milage. So Nathan and I had to quickly learn t drive a standard. It really is a lot of fun. We both picked it up pretty quickly.

So yay for Kent surprise, yay for Katie and Andy time, yay for flamey dragon diapers, yay for loving and giving family, yay for little green cars, but most of all, yay for living Nathans and Adams.


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone lived.

a tercel huh? What year?

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm really glad Nathan and Adam were ok!!

I'm going to link both of your sites, ok? But sh..don't let on that y'all know me in real life (or use my name).

Oh, what fun we'll have!!

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much so fast

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the living husband

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad everyone is okay!!

Bridgey, you know how to drive a stick now! That makes you officially cool. Isn't it fun?

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that you needed to know how to be cool. :o)


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