Monday, July 25, 2005


Well, I just woke up and it's 9 pm. Believe it or not, that's an improvement. For about the past 3 weeks untilvery recently I've been goin to bed at 6 am and waking at 3 pm. It started out just as a few odd "nights" and it became my daily routine. I think it was because I was reading so much at the time. Anyway that is about the worst sleep schedule to be on when trying to make yourself look for a job. Bleh. Well today I sent in an application for a civil service job. I applied for a medicaid analyst position. It pays like a real job! I had to take an exam for it and I got a 98! That basically means that I did better than 98% of all the people who take that test. They must not be all that bright. Kelley's applying for the same job in Lafayette. She, of course, got a 99. Go Kelley!
I hope we both get these jobs, that would be so fun!

Anyway, waking up at 9 pm is a good thing because I have once again disjarred my sleep schedule. For the past three days I've slept at different times every "night." So hopefully, by the time I settle into a routine, I'll go to bed in the dark and wake in the light. That would be nice.

Nathan andI gave in. It was so unexpected, I didn't even know he wanted to. But then everybody started making new characters on a new server and the next thing I know, we too play World of Warcraft. We're both on the same account, so we can never play together. But I love my tauren druid named Chamomile.

This weekend is going to be so great. Of course there's the pool party, but the goodness starts on Friday for me! The place where my brother lived had invited us to join them in a little memorial ceremony for Michael. They're going to plant a tree. It makes me so happy that they miss him that much too. It is so good of them to care so much. I miss him.

So then there's the pool party! I'm so looking forward to it. I have yet to get a hold of Vilbas. So if anyone talks to him, please bring it up. Sadly my parents aren't going to be there. They aer going to Hackberry that weekend and going to visit my great aunt Mary. Sorry people.

Well, now you're caught up! Have the good day!


At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you guys on Moonrunner? We need a master list. If so, I've got an Orc Warrior on there named Crowbar. I've been playing Pete (my level 50 Rogue) alot lately, just because I'd never played those levels before. Tomorrow, though, my realm's gonna be down, so I'll probably play crowbar a good deal.

At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I come into some money, I'm probably going to have to give in to.

More Importantly, Expect me friday. I'm gonna fucking be there. Woo-hoo!

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Bridget, I think I needed someone to note that she was a good mommy. She had just got off a bad day at work, like 7 people called in and 2 quit and she'd run all day long for crappy tips.

Then she came home, still in her uniform and played with her baby. When I took the picture she was telling him "I Loooooove You"

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridgey, where are you looking for jobs? What are you looking for? Let me know, and I'll help you look.

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the pool party ROCKED! :o) I had too much fun, now I'm in like fun withdrawals and stuff :o)


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Friday, July 08, 2005

Grumble Grumble

I hate cramping.

Cramping makes me angry. It doesn't make me angry with God, but it gives me a better understanding of him I think. God is not a man that would just be silly, God doesn't have any use for gender. He is just as much woman as he is man. I say "he" only for convienience. But I really must assert that God is NOT a woman. No woman God would make the possibility of someday producing offspring such a pain in the uterus! I'm sure there is a good reason for all childbearing women to be the martyrs of the species, but I'll be damned if I know what it is!

My reproductive instincts are getting steadily more severe. There is definately a small part of me that feels a little cheated that I'm not pregnant right now. There was very mild concern that I might be, and I am glad that I'm not. Having kids right now would be foolish of us. But if I were, then at least this annoying pain and this foul mood would be accomplishing something! It makes me want to break things. So instead I take the pain and anger out on qwerty here.

If I were a dragon in a cave I woud be sitting and hoping that some fool knight would come in that I might get the chance to toast him.

Wait, there's the advil, I feel it now. It's a good feeling. I can feel the cramping wither away. It cowers in a corner now. It will come back later, but for now the pain is locked in a small box, huddled and motionless.


At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can truly sympathize with you. It's the worst when you have to work, or do things too. It's just best to hide away when you feel like that, at least for me anyways.

I'm feeling the need-to-be-mommy urges lately too. My friend just had her baby, and my old boss's wife is soon to have hers. All this talk of pregnancy, and I want mine.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toasting knights, hee hee hee

When you have a kid, I hope it has long eyelashes like yours.

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait, after you have kids the cramps might go away. Mine were always awful but after Sean was born I didn't ever take Advil anymore.
And thank you for your note dear (although it made me insainly curious). Your the only person that responded to that entry.



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