Saturday, February 12, 2005


I'm Catholic again! Yay!
I've missed Catholicism so much, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Today I went to confession. I love confession, generally I don't have anyting bigger than not going to church to confess, but sometimes its really nice to get the official church ruls clarified on issues you are't sure about. And you know what? Absolution gets me high. I was all kinds of goofy light-headed all through my penance and the first part of mass. Through the rest of it I was riding a smaller buzz that gave me a stupid grin. (: This was a first step in my effort to give up not going to Mass for Lent. I try this every year, but in the past few it was difficult going to Mass when there was something I couldn't confess hanging over my head. But this year I think I can do it, because now I can have all the sex I want and the Church LIKES it! Hah!

So um, yeah, happy Lent.


At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its the small things in life

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lots of sex + clear conscience == secret of life

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made me laugh alot just now, so thank you. And I thought of you on Ash Wednesday! ::hugs:: love you Bridget!

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RYN: There isn't really anything wrong with strollers except that parents will put their very young childeren in them and leave them there instead of giving them the physical contact they need. I'm not talking about older kids that will sometimes like thier strollers (which you must have been older if you remember it). I have a stroller and I use it, but it's the whole "detachment parenting" philosophy that I don't like. The idea that if your kids are attached to you your doing something wrong.

At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) Thought you'd like this Bridget


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Thursday, February 03, 2005

the smartest of stupid brains

Remember that psych test I was agonizing over? We got our grades back today, and with an 81 I had the highest grade in the class by 10 points! And the next highest grade was 10 points higher than the next! My grade is 20 points higher than the 3rd highest grade in the class!

*pause for dancing*

So she gave us a 20 point curve which puts me at 101, and she's thinking about adding another 10-15 points so that half of the class doesn't fail. I wouldn't mind 10-15 extra points.

In a bit I get to go see how I did on my anthropology test. I don't think I'll get the same kind of overwhelming news, but I expect a B. Oh, and I got a 100 on my stupid computer test. Yeah buddy.

So watch out, I'm scary smart, it might get a little intimidating. grrrr.


It is now several hours later and I found out that I got an A on my anthropology test, and then found a four leaf clover.



At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it babe. Your doing good.

*Pauses to clap for dancing*

I will do my best to not get intimidated by your awesome intellect......

Adam H.

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you can snatch the unguarded 4 from the midsts of the H manuver, you will be ready.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that's awesome :o) I want that kinda luck

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as if being cute and blonde wasn't enough...

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ryn: I was simply refering to how bad this week has been. Next week will be an improvement regardless of what happens


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