Friday, April 13, 2007

Crazy things

You know what's crazy? I'm halfway through my pregnancy. I'm at 20 weeks. You know what's also crazy? Strangers can tell. At Chef Wok Ms. Suzie asked if the baby was full when she saw that I was done eating. I didn't tell her I was pregnant. Then the next day the lady at Taco Bell asked us if we knew if it was a girl or a boy. I know it's harder to see gradual changes on yourself than it is on others sometimes, but all I could think was, how did they know? Who told them? The REALLY weird part is that I'm apparently PAST the point where everyone thinks, Is she pregnant, or is that fat? I thought I was still solidly in that range where you don't assume, just in case. But apparently not. I hope people don't start running up to me to touch my belly. I think I'd like to skip that part, thanks.

Oh, and I might be applying for a position that might be opening at the Lafayette Medicaid office within the next few months. I'm just applying, if there's even an opening. If I actually get a job offer, that just means I'll think about it. No big deal.


At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


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