Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 17

Well, the baby is starting to make itself known. I was told there should be a little fluttery feeling in my belly, and I think I might have posted that I might have felt something like that, but I'm still not really sure I did. But in the past week I have felt the baby at least 3 times. The first was so weird. I was sitting on the porch reading, and suddenly there was this pressure in my belly. It stuck around for a while, and then it went away. It felt like it was trying to push it's way out the front. Then the next night I felt that again while I was lying on my back. I felt my abdomen with my hand and it was hard as a rock, and then softened as the feeling went away. The next time that happened I was ready for it, and Nathan got to feel it too. It was pretty cool. Also, I think it had a growth spurt. Rather suddenly it feels like there's this heavy mass taking up space in there. I mean, I knew it was there, but that was academic and I couldn't really tell before. I can tell now. The skin isn't taught yet, but I don't think it will be too long before it is at this rate, so I need to get me some cocoa butter. I really don't see how I'm supposed to be eating everything in sight. I was told I will be, but there isn't enough room in there to eat a whole lot. My hunger is so much more insistent, but I get over-full so easily.

From browsing the interweb, I just learned that the baby is roughly 5 inches long, is reacting to sounds, has grown eyelashes and fat. The limbs are now proportional to the body (for a baby) and the first movement felt (by me) is called a quickening. So now I'm feeling all Highlanderish and I didn't even remove an immortal's head.. that I recall.

So there it is.


At 8:40 AM, Blogger teahouse said...

That is so cool!!!!

Yay for baby. I hope someday I can have one, too...


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