Tuesday, January 30, 2007

About 10 Weeks

Okay, my pregnancy math has been kinda off in my past entries, so I'm going to clarify. The common way to calculate how far along you are is simply how long it's been since your last period. The average length of time from the first day of one's period to ovulation is about 2 weeks. So, you count 2 weeks that you weren't even pregnant. I think it's a little dumb if you know when you ovulated, but most women don't, so there has to be a standard, right? Well, before we were counting 40 weeks after conception to get mid September, but 40 weeks from the first day of my last period apparently equals about August 27. So we're going to be using that kind of calculating from here on out, and that puts me at 10 weeks tomorrow.

On January 11 we went to our first appointment. They took some blood samples and gave me a pee in a cup test. Turns out I'm pregnant. Then we sat with a nurse in an office and spilled both Nathan's and my medical history. Then we determined, that I should be due on August 27 for the reasons given above. Then we got an ultrasound!!! It was the coolest thing ever! we saw the little baby and it's little heartbeat. It was so cute! It even scooched around a bit while we were watching. It was so surreal. I wanna do it again. I would post the pictures, but I don't know how, so everyone pester Nathan to help me get that done. We weren't expecting an ultrasound so soon, but the technician said that the earlier you get it done, the more accurately you can determine the due date. They just grow so rapidly at that stage that a few days can really make a difference. It was about 1 cm at the time and the ultrasound prediction for the due date is August 29 give or take 2 days.

According to several websites I just meandered, Shorty has graduated from embryo to fetus, lost it's tail, has fingers, toes, all major organs, and is starting to pick a gender. Its' about 1.22 inches long (or 3.1 cm) and lots of other little things are getting more human. It's all very exciting.

I'm still nauseated, but I can eat fried chicken apparently whenever. I've vomited a few times, but I might be done with that now. I hope. I'm less tired than I used to be, which is really nice. I can't wait until the queasiness stops, but I hear that shouldn't be too far away. For most women. Yeah, that 's about it. Oh, my regular pants are tight (and make me queasy) but I'm not showing yet. I've been wearing maternity pants 'cause they're much more comfortable, even if I do have to keep pulling them up.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Amy said...

BRIDGEY!!!! You have a little person inside you!!!!

Man, that is SO weird!

Hooray for fingers and toes!

Keep posting! I check everyday to see how you're doing.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pester, pester. Nathan we want to see pictures!

I'm glad things are going well so far :)

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woot for seeing the little bean. Are ya'll going to find out the baby's sex at the next ultrasound? Andy and I skipped the early ultrasounds since I knew when I ovulated and they're freaking expensive.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Nathan said...

I'll get on scanning those pics ASAP.

Our insurance covers all prenatal and one postnatal visit with one small copay. Like, ridiculously small. And that includes ultrasounds.

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have the baby a week early, it would be born on my birthday. That way, I'd never forget his/her birthday!

It's been good seeing more of you guys lately!

- Celia


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