Saturday, December 11, 2004

studying, and by that I mean Thief 3

well, I passed the exit exam and I officially have an A in my two easy classes. I have two finals left, they both require a lot of studying and they'er both on Monday. So obviously I should be making a journal entry instead of studying, right? Of course.

It's really kinda sad that knowing that the next couple of days will be crammed with, um, cramming just makes me sad that I probably shouldn't convince Nathan to play Thief 3. I LOVE Thief 3. Thief 2 kinda dragged and had a dissapointing ending, but Thief 3 is different from Theives 1 and 2 in ways that just make me happy. in fact the whole Thieving experience is better than it used to bebecaus before, we'd always play late at night, because you should, and I was always sleepy and uncomfortable. Now that I can easily see the moniter from the bed, I get all cozy under the covers and kind of shiver with excitement when Nathan turns on the Thieving! (it's really kinda sad, I actually do shiver) The new monitaur is nice and big, so it makes it that much better! I will be so sad when we beat it, cause then we'll be all out of Thief. We might play Thief Gold which is basically a newer better version of Thief1, and maybe some fan missions, but it won't be the same. I'll miss you Garrett. There's just something about you and that hood.


At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garrett gets all the girls. Not a bad looking fella. :-)

At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol one day I will get to know garret I'm sure. Good luck on the finals! soon after of course is the christmas party here in Lake Charles :o)

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, the party is tentatively set on the 30th and excludes Elisa and Cade. we may plan a seperate get together to include them but not Katie or Andy... and possibly Adam. all depends on how things turn out.

At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what I get for possible attendance at two different christmas parties.

26th Sunday

30th Thursday

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you goof


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